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3 Digital Marketing Tips You Probably Didn't Know - The Bright Click

Written by Claire Archer-Davis | Oct 24, 2018 10:38:38 AM

When it comes to digital marketing things move so fast that it’s hard to keep up to date with the latest tips and tricks to get yourself noticed online. Here are three top tips to keep your digital marketing plan ticking over.Less Is More
Lots of digital marketers think that the key to a successful digital marketing campaign is quantity, but the truth is that it is quality that is key. Whether it’s posting twenty times a day, or trying to keep six different social media platforms up to date, there’s no way that you can keep up the quality across all of those platforms. When you’re trying to create and update so frequently it becomes more about just posting something rather than posting the best quality content that you can. Stick to one or two platforms and concentrate or spending your time creating content rather than sharing content; if you’re putting out good blogs and graphics, then your audience will find it.


Influencers are your friend
We live in a materialistic world where influencers are royalty, and it can be extremely beneficial to mix things up and get some relevant influencers on your side. Instead of marketing to your target audience, you can pay or ask an influencer to spread the word about your products or services to their followers. People trust influencers they like, and this can be an easy way to get lots of new people to hear about your brand. Depending on what services or products you offer, you can send out PR packages for influencers to sample, ask for guest spots so you can blog on their websites or pay them for shout outs on their social media pages.

Email Is More Important Than You Think
With social media apps and push notifications, a lot of digital marketers tend to look over email as a form of digital marketing as they deem it old fashioned and out dated, however if used in the right way, email can be a key campaign tool that is very effective with only a little bit of work. Thanks to smart phones, email open rates have increased by 180 percent on mobile devices so people are definitely still looking at their email! Email newsletters are good as they reach your audience directly without being too intrusive like a text message may be; they can also be personalised and customised with links, pictures and other pertinent information. An occasional email in their inbox will keep your customers thinking about your brand when they aren’t expecting it.