The Bright Click | Blog

Your Business Needs a Facebook Page, and Here's 5 Reasons Why

Written by mattd | May 11, 2011 10:51:07 AM

Facebook Business Pages are essential in enhancing your business’s online presence.

Here are five reasons why:

1)      Do you want to set the pace or play catch-up? If you don’t have a Facebook Business Page, your business is already playing catch-up.  Facebook has over 600 million users – it’s where the majority of your customers are – you need to be there too!

2)      Engage and connect with your customers and clients. This is the ‘Social’ bit about Social Media – interacting with your customers online.  If someone has taken the time to connect with you using Social Media, they are likely to be active on various Social Media platforms – and when they talk about your business, their friends will be listening.  It’s also a great way to drip-feed news and special offers without being intrusive.

3)      Promote and Protect Your Brand:  Facebook is a great place to build on and enhance an existing brand.  Keep your content up to date and topical and your customers will love you for it. Also it’s worth bearing in mind that if you’re not using Facebook to promote your product or service, someone else could be… stake your claim early on.

4)      Customer Satisfaction and Feedback: Social Media is the new ‘Word Of Mouth’ but the best part is that you can hear exactly what people are saying about your business! Even negative feedback can quickly become positive if you are able to respond quickly and effectively. If you already have customer service procedures in place then Facebook should simply be considered as an extension of this – the best part being that potential customers have amazing visibility on how you engage with your existing customers!

5)     It will enhance your SEO and online presence: Facebook is getting bigger by the second. It now has its own search facility, which research shows that more and more people are beginning to use. And regardless, Google now searches within Facebook to display relevant content. Optimising your Facebook Business page with the right keywords and phrases can make your business a lot easier to find – and when your business is then found, making sure that your page is topical and looks great will give a great first impression!

Do you need advice on setting up your Facebook Business Page? Do you have a page already but are not really sure what to do with it?

Drop me a line at and I’ll be pleased to assist!