The Bright Click | Blog

How We've Improved Our Conversion Rates

Written by Matt Archer-Davis | Oct 18, 2023 10:01:32 AM

We've seen some significant growth across our business since the start of the year and our forecasts are suggesting a strong end to 2023. 

We've ramped up our own sales and marketing outreach but primarily it's been changes to our website and follow-up process that have had the biggest impact. 

So today I thought I'd share these learnings with you, in order that you can potentially apply the same processes to your business and hopefully see some similar outcomes as a result! 

We rebuilt our website at the start of the year and our prime focus around this was to simplify everything and to 'humanise' our business as much as possible. 

We get a lot of enquiries from people who have had a negative agency experience previously, so we've tried our hardest to project that we're a family business (five of us in the team are related in some capacity) and that we genuinely care about our clients' outcomes. 

We made the user-experience as simple as possible and created a defined 'Meet The Team' section at the top of our navigation to really get this point across. 

We're in the process of adding FAQ text and videos to the site too, in order that we can answer common questions and potential objections on the site itself - this is still a work in progress but I'm confident it will have an even bigger impact as a result. 

We've also created a 'Welcome Sequence' of emails that are received by anyone new to the business. If you've found about us in recent months and are reading this then you're probably already aware of this!

We use this sequence to introduce ourselves, give some insight into the history of the business, explain how we can potentially help and ultimately look to build some 'know, like and trust' in the first instance. 

Just as you don't get married after your first date, we don't expect our customers to buy from someone they don't know much about - so we do our best to help you to get to know us as quickly as possible once we've received your enquiry. 

And thirdly, we've automated our follow-up process using our Hubspot CRM, so that depending on the actions taken by anyone entering our pipeline, emails are sent or internal tasks are created to ensure that nothing is dropped and that we follow leads up as efficiently as possible. 

The biggest mistake made in sales is giving up or not fully following-up and it's easy for opportunities to fall through the gaps, in particular when you're busy and proactively looking to scale - it's difficult to be on top of everything all of the time. 

Using a decent CRM and spending time on automations / processes when setting it up means that you always have full visibility around lead generation / pipeline and that you'll receive timely reminders to follow-up when otherwise you may have forgotten. 

We often convert leads into customers months or in a couple of cases even YEARS after first meeting them - we wouldn't have been able to do this without Hubspot and its associated robust processes - it's been a gamechanger. 

Want a quick chat about how you might be able to implement any of the above ideas into your business? 

You can schedule some time directly into Matt's diary using this link :-)