How you can easily improve your SEO
July 14, 2022 •Jacob Vint
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results, how this visibility is affected is down to a multitude of factors.
Some can be improved with ease, others with a little more work, but let’s have a look at what you can do – TODAY – to improve your website’s visibility.
Search engines are constantly changing the way that they index information, meaning that organic searches will change with the ebbs and flows of updates, here are a few best practices that have yielded results for companies since the birth of Google.
Google is constantly looking for high quality, relevant information from a search inquiry. If your website looks like a wealth of knowledge, with an expert as its author, you should rank highly.
To help you rank highly, Google will take a few other aspects of your site into consideration.
- Having high quality Links to high authority websites. For example, Backlinking a source in a blog is really good practice, but if an authoritative site such as BBC linked to your website then that would be even better!
- How do people engage with your site? Do people sit and read the content on a page because it is valuable… or do they bounce off of that page due to it not being relevant?
- How fast does your site run? Is your site mobile friendly?
- Does your site reflect ‘keyword’ terms that people are searching for within your niche?
This is just scratching the surface on what Google is asking for you to rank highly. So, what can you do to start your journey into building a high ranking website? (ultimately, all of this leads to better sales, it’s a no-brainer really).
For some more in depth research, have a look at Google’s guide on SEO.
Your first steps in Search Engine Optimisation is to determine what you want to optimise for.
Are you a Gym in Brixton? Well you best get to work littering your site with how you are the best Gym in London, especially Brixton.
There are a few key factors to take into account when determining keywords you want to target on your account: Search Volume – Relevance – Competition.
Do you have an active blog? If not…Start one right now.
Who are you? A veterinary clinic in Suffolk. Then write a blog on ‘Top 10 things NOT to feed your dog’.
Throw in some keywords you know people will search for: ‘Here at the Veterinary Clinic in Suffolk, we take Canine diets very seriously’.
Throw in some links to other respected sources of information within your industry, Google loves it.
Make sure your Headings aren’t just normal text made bold. Tag them as H1,H2,H3 etc. Here’s a handy guide on what that means and why search engines love it.
Make sure you set up a reminder in your diary, post on your blog at least once a month.
Keep the content fresh and active. Be reactive! Has something happened in your industry that others are talking about? Jump on the bandwagon.
Google will love to see that you are sharing your expertise and knowledge of your industry, and will rank you accordingly. If you are using WordPress to build your website, have a look at the Yoast Plugin, which makes optimising blogs an absolute breeze.
If you want to have a conversation with us about how you can improve your SEO through honing in on the correct keywords, book a meeting with us today. No obligation, no charge, just a chat with a member of our team to help you strategise on how to best utilise your website to make sales.
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