Richard September
May 18, 2021 •Claire Archer-Davis

Meet the team:
Richard september
We thought it would be fun to share some insights about The Bright Click team so you can get to know us a little better.
This week we grill our account executive Richard. We had one question each and these are the things we wanted to know!
You can only listen to one song for the rest of your life… what would you choose and why?
I’ve sat on this question for too long and can’t decide for the life of me! I’m going with Common – The Light as it’s the song I’m listening to right now.
Who would your five fantasy dinner guests be, dead or alive, and why?
1. Mac Miller, because he’s one of my favourite rappers whose life was cut short.
2. Banksy, to put a face to the name and find out more about his work, inspiration etc
3. MF Doom, as he’s another incredible rapper who remained very much under-the-radar throughout his career until his passing in Oct 2020.
4. Amy Winehouse, because she lived such an interesting life and would have some amazing / crazy / wild stories to share.
5. David Attenborough, because he’s a legend.

Would you rather look like a potato or feel like a potato?
Great question. I’ll go with look, feeling like one all the time would be rough!
If you could pick one album by one artist/band to play on repeat all day, every day, for the rest of your life, which would it be?
This is a tough one, but I would have to choose Nas – Illmatic. It’s a classic hip-hop album which I’ve listened to from top to bottom countless times and it’s never got old.
What did you want to do career wise when you were a child?
Security / Sniffer Dog Handler at airport security. I’d been watching far too much Border Force.
What was the first album you ever bought?
Linkin Park – Meteora. I’m certain I drove my parents’ crazy insisting we play it on repeat during long car journeys.

Do you dance crazy when nobody is looking?
Did I forget to leave a Zoom meeting?
What country is at the top of your bucket list to visit?
Japan for sure. Ramen, bullet trains, mountains, the history, theme parks – the list is endless. It looks like an incredible place to explore.
What is the most interesting piece of trivia you know?
It’s not illegal to escape prison in Germany. You’re probably asking why I know this. I have no first-hand experience – promise!
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