Meet the Team – Tara

May 22, 2017 tanmay

It’s week 3 of meet the team and this week we are grilling our account manager Tara.

We had two questions each and this is what we wanted to know!

You work a lot in the motor trade, what’s the most challenging part working with that industry?
The most challenging part is getting the clients involved, I can easily post news relating to cars for a brand, but having news from inside the dealerships is always good and gets the most engagement. I think I touched on this briefly in another question about how it’s no longer just about a product. Another challenge is staying up to date with new car releases and when they are available for order etc. I know a bit about cars, so that does help. As I deal with quite a few different brands too, it can involve me being pro-active and chasing customers quite a bit. Luckily, I’m pretty good at that.

How do you have your steak cooked?
Trust this question to come up!! I like any meat I eat to be very well done, actually burnt. I don’t eat steak a lot because it takes me about 30 minutes to cook one. If I ordered one out and said can you cook it for that long, I think I would get thrown out.

Are you older than Matt? And if so, by exactly how many days?
I refuse to answer this question – we are both 39.

What type of content do you find provides the best social media engagement across your client range?
Again, I have touched on this. It is content that’s personal to a client, content that gives the customer a look at how the company is outside of the selling. I try to drill this into my clients, the most engagement will always come from a post with a bit of humour thrown in. One of my clients sent a selfie of themselves, outside their business premises, when they were heading out to a meeting. It was a simple post that worked really well and got plenty of engagement. And of course, a competition – everyone loves a freebie.

What’s changed most about Social Media…?
Lots has changed since I first started working at The Bright Click. I think one of the main things is how influential within a business it has become. Pretty much all businesses have Social Media accounts, it’s a must now really. I’ve seen businesses be more open to using it, as well as having a better understanding not only that they need Social Media, but why too.
In the last few years, I’ve seen it become a great selling outlet for a business. You can reach hundreds of customers old and new just by clicking a few buttons.
I’ve also seen Facebook adverts grow massively, they are something businesses use more and more (if you’re not, give us a call as you’re missing out), you can literally pick the right customer for your product – if you are doing them correctly of course.
One last thing I’ve seen really change is the content businesses are posting. It used to be all about the business side of things, but not so much nowadays. It was all very much corporate stuff you would see, but I think businesses are staring to understand that it’s not all about that. Customers want a real insight to not only your product, but your business and the people who work within it too.

What did you last lie about…?
Me lie, I’m offended! Erm… honestly (get it) I don’t really lie. I am quite a ‘say it as you see’ it person, that can be a bad thing sometimes. If I do lie, it would be when I return something to a shop when it’s out of the return period – I have used all sorts of excuses in my time.

What is your favourite social media platform and why?
I think LinkedIn is a great Social Channel and people don’t always use it to its full potential. Matt did a very interesting Facebook live video about this last week. It’s a great way to connect with people in your industry. I think companies can really benefit from having a LinkedIn page and getting their staff to link their personal pages to it. LinkedIn has recently been updated too, the new layout is more up to date, similar to Facebook actually. You are also able to tag on the company pages now and they have new messaging features. It’s a great tool for selling yourself and gaining new business.

You have an unexpected day off – what would you do to make the most of it?
Well, I have asked Matt in the past if he would give us a few free duvet days – not had much luck YET! It depends on the weather… On a nice sunny day, heading out shopping and for lunch would be great, love a bit of retail therapy. On a rainy, cold day I would actually love to have a duvet day, (hint, hint Matt) on the sofa, some snacks and a great film. I’m easily pleased

Who winds you up the most in the office and why? (Be nice)
I enjoy working with the whole team, we work hard but have a good laugh in-between the madness. I think if you asked anyone they could answer this question for me. Dan Davis winds me up the most, we do have a love hate relationship – he loves me and I hate him. We have worked together for over 4 years and we do bicker a bit at work, I think the team find it quite amusing. He is a great guy and I know he would help me with anything but I have my Dan death stare down to a tee.

If you weren’t in the digital industry, what else would you want to do as a career?
That’s a good question. I would probably like to open a restaurant. I used to be self-employed and in the food industry. I think too many people don’t understand how important good food and good customer service is when people are eating out. Going out for a great meal can be the best feeling in the world. I think I would enjoy it and it’s something I have done on a small scale in the past.

If you could come back as an animal after you die, what animal would it be and why?
I’d come back as something that lived in a hot country and lived for quite a long time. Maybe an African Elephant, they aren’t the most attractive animals but I’d get a great tan and live a long life!

If you won £1 million what would you spend it on?
Oh, yes please!! I’d be quite boring I think. I rent, so buy a property, new car, holiday and spend some on my family. That’s probably a very generic answer, but a million is enough to set you up a bit but not enough to give up work and live a Champaign lifestyle.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Well, I can see the whole team rolling their eyes at this answer, but I’m always told I don’t look my age – It’s always nice to hear. Matt is always reminding me that I’m nearly 40, never mind he is the same age. Well as he says a few months younger, I think he’s annoyed he looks older than me. Hopefully I will keep my youthful appearance for a few more years… I’m definitely keeping up with the Botox.

If you could only use one social media platform for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
It has to be Facebook! Not sure if I should say this, but I don’t use many Social platforms myself out of work. I used to but when you’re on them all day for clients, they do lose their appeal. I do however use Facebook still, I don’t post much but it is good for keeping in touch with people and being a bit nosey.

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