Why is Retargeting so effective for estate agents?

April 21, 2022 tanmay

How many banner ads have convinced you to buy the clothes you have been considering? Or have you noticed what you have most recently searched keeps popping up as advertisements… Retargeting ads drive your consumer decision making more than you think.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting is a cookie based technology that uses code to anonymously follow your audience, learning their patterns and behaviours. To do this, you have to place a small piece of code on your website called a pixel. This pixel will follow the user and show relevant ads to them on webpages they have already visited. 

Retargeting is so effective because it focuses advertising to individuals who already have knowledge of your branding. The more touch points you have with a prospective customer, the more likely they are to know, like, and trust you. Most marketers see a higher ROI in remarketing than most other aspects of the job. 

How retargeting works for Real Estate Agents

Building brand awareness is the most important aspect here, allowing prospective customers to be exposed to your branding will build trust over time. 

Retargeting means that only your desired demographic of clientele will get targeted by the ads. This means that you will not be wasting any money in advertising to customers who aren’t in the market for looking at a house. 

Retargeting is clever enough so that you can run specific campaigns to demographics who are looking at different variables you offer. For example, you can have different ads going out for individuals who are looking at houses that are at a certain price bracket, or age. Ensuring that first time buyers get to see the smaller more conservative buildings they could afford, and that the higher end, older demographic with a higher price bracket get to see the more up-market properties you list. 

Use Facebook to target your ads

We see the best ROI in Facebook ads, this is especially true for Estate Agents. You can use Facebook Special Add Categories to maximise the power of your ad campaign. You can target users based on their location and interests. For real estate, you will want to express that the ad is targeted towards people in the area the agency covers, who are looking to move house or upgrade to a nicer home. 

Use the right content

Space is limited within these ads, you will have to get good at really compressing your message into a succinct and powerful message that will compel a prospective customer. 

You will need to attract the viewers attention, using good imagery that is high res and well thought out. You will need to give enough information away that will keep the targeted individual wanting more information. Then you will need a call to action with a link to your website. 

Best practice would be to link this ad to a custom landing page, talking about whatever offer you are trying to promote. 

Track your conversions 

Brand awareness is great and all, but if after a decent amount of time you are not seeing conversions, you may need to have a rethink on why the ad isn’t working. 

This is why creating a custom landing page would be important here. You would be able to measure where the onsite referral came from, how long they interacted with your website, and how many of those that clicked on the ad bounced shortly after. 

You may also have your demographics wrong on the ad itself. Tweak who it is targeting and see how much interaction you get from that. 

Running ads takes a great deal of time, trail, and error. So having your metrics available to be able to warrant a campaigns success is what will make the difference in having a better ROI. 

What next?

If you are going to start ads for your business, ensure that you are tracking every step of the journey. Do your research, and be patient. 

If you are struggling with a campaign you already have off the ground and are worrying as to why it is not as effective as it can be, get in contact with our team and we should be able to give advice on best practices. 

We have accumulated a decade of experience in remarketing, we have been here (almost) from the dawn of cookies (the web thing, not the snack), and are more than happy to share our knowledge. 

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